The Patty Family

The Patty Family
Christmas 2008

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Delaney's 5th Birthday Party Pictures

Christmas Pictures

Cameron and Grandma

Scott, Tamara and Tyson

Tyson (My kids call him "TyTy")

Grandma on the couch

Nana and Delaney

Delaney and Jarrett

Noah, Amanda, Jarrett and Delaney

Monday, January 26, 2009

Grandma's Birthday

Now that Delaney's party is over, I get to start working on my Granmother's 75th surprise birthday party! I don't know when I'll get to "slack" off and get some rest!!! Jarrett will be turing 2 the beginning of April. So, from one-to-another-to-another-to-ect............. "Rest, I don't need no stinking rest!" May be that'll work if I say it to myself enough times!!! Those that are going to send a birthday card to Grandma is more than welcome to mail one to me, and I'll get it to her. If you want. Waiting to hear from people about our Summer plans!


I will be posting some pictures as soon as I can, but just wanted to go ahead and get a post done. Delaney turned 5 yesterday!!!! We had her birthday party on Saturday. She had the best time! The only flaw in the day really, was when my cousin Brittney called earlier to let us know that she was sick and wouldn't be able to be our guest princess. She was going to dress up in a big poofy dress and fix her hair and make-up and wear a tiara and everything! She had her hair and make-up all done and the throwing up started!!! Maybe next year! Well, I'll get some pics on here soon. I'm behind on the pictures. I've been updating my posts at work and I don't have my pics on my work computer. So, I'm behind!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Age and Birthdays!!! Delaney's Party

Okay, so on Sunday, January 18th I turned 31! So, apparently the 20's are being left behind in a cloud of dust! I don't know why, but this aging thing hasn't gotten to were it is bothering me yet. I'm afraid that I'm going to awake one day and just start freaking out about how old I am and what I haven't accomplished yet and ect... Now, my aging hasn't gotten to me, BUT Delaney will be 5 this coming weekend on the 25th, and that is really bothering me!!! BAD bothering me!!! I'm making this big deal about her turning 5 and how I want her to have this really big and GREAT birthday party for 5 cause it's such a big deal...... Yeah, I'm rambling and that's about how I am right now! And come to findout, one of the boys in Delaney's class is having his birthday party on the same day and at the same time as Delaney's party!!!! UGHHHH!!! Now, I've been freaking out about that! I put down today as the deadline for people to RSVP and I haven't heard from many at all! Noah keeps telling me that they'll just show up, but I'm really worried about it! Oh, how I wish that Saturday will be a GREAT day!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


OH MY GOODNESS!!! I've been SO busy taking pictures since October! I've realized by doing this that I really don't have time to do the pictures and editing them along with my teaching job and trying to spend time with my family. Just too much! I do how ever have some people wanting to take more pictures in the Spring and I just hate to say no, so I'm going to pace my self a lot better this time. I feel that one or two jobs a month will be alright for now. Plus, I'm going to start charging some type of fee for my work. The amount of time and materials that I've been out has been costly. I just hope that the people that I've been doing photos for are really happy with the end product. I'll keep you informed on how it goes from here. Right now, I continue to try to get my edits done from my December shoots!!!!

Christmas and January

We had a wonderful Christmas with our families! It was so nice to get to see the people that we did. The kids had a wonderful time visiting and opening gifts. On New Year's Day, Noah and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary! Then on the 2nd Noah turned 31! I get to tease him about being "old" for a whole 16 days before I catch him! So, on the 18th I'll be turning 31! Wow! It doesn't seem like I should be one of those thirtysomething people!!! HA! Then just one week later, on the 25, my lil Delaney Kate will be turning the BIG 5!!!! Oh My Goodness, a whole handful!!!! I've been having a hard time with her turning 5. I don't know why it has been such an ordeal with me, but it has. Anyways, that our big events for January in our family.
This weekend the family is going out of town! Oh no, road trip!!! We're going to Dallas to celebrate Noah's Grandmother's 80th birthday. We will be staying with Noah's sister, so the kids will be so happy to spend some time with their Aunt Winnie! I'm hoping to get a little shopping done as well!