The Patty Family

The Patty Family
Christmas 2008

Monday, January 26, 2009


I will be posting some pictures as soon as I can, but just wanted to go ahead and get a post done. Delaney turned 5 yesterday!!!! We had her birthday party on Saturday. She had the best time! The only flaw in the day really, was when my cousin Brittney called earlier to let us know that she was sick and wouldn't be able to be our guest princess. She was going to dress up in a big poofy dress and fix her hair and make-up and wear a tiara and everything! She had her hair and make-up all done and the throwing up started!!! Maybe next year! Well, I'll get some pics on here soon. I'm behind on the pictures. I've been updating my posts at work and I don't have my pics on my work computer. So, I'm behind!

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