The Patty Family

The Patty Family
Christmas 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Boyfriend and Girlfriend----WHAT???

This past weekend Delaney informed me that she had a secret and she didn't want her Daddy to know. She said that Clayton had asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes. I asked her what that meant, and she said it meant that they were really great friends. It was cute. Noah didn't accept it very well. He said he didn't like it much at all! Well, we didn't make much of it in front of Delaney cause we just don't want her getting into all that boyfriend -- girlfriend stuff! My goodness, it's PRE-K!

1 comment:

be you blithe and bonny said...

Ahh, so cute! Do you remember all your little boyfriends from kindergarten and such? Hope Clayton's a nice boy! My 1st kindergarten boyfriend turned out to be a smelly thug!