The Patty Family

The Patty Family
Christmas 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Okay, so how school has like every website on the internet blocked that can possibly be blocked. You can not check any personal e-mails or even go to any site that allows you to purchase anything without getting approval. Then after you get approval the tech guy has to go and unblock that site for just your computer. Well, you can imagine my surprise when I was at work the other day and at lunch I decided to type in my blogger address to see what reason they had it blocked, I figured it would be just like myspace and the other "personal pages" that are blocked, and POOF! the pages comes right up! I was even able to sign in and work on it!!! Oh my goodness! I was in total shock! So, now I might actually be able to post something more often. Well, maybe, I already don't have time to do what I need to do. Trying to educate these youngsters is a lot of work. I have a group that takes A LOT of work!!!! But, I know that I still made the right move going to the middle school from the high school. I'm going to make a difference in at least one of these kid's lives even if it possible kills me!!!!!

1 comment:

be you blithe and bonny said...

Amanda... I hope when school slows down (or does it ever?) you'll rejoin the blogging world! Miss you!
***You should think about creating a blog for your photography, too!